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Day 13 – Marseille

Us kids decided that we wanted to relax during our last day in France. But before that, Kenzie and I had some gift shopping we needed to do (and perhaps a little for ourselves :). Besides buying presents, we ended up finding a deal where you could buy one pair of designer sunglasses and get another for 1 euro. Well that sold us. We ended up getting some Dolce and Gabbana sunglasses for Kenzie and a cheaper pair that was designed by a French company for me. We couldn’t pass up the deal.

After a few hours of shopping and walking around, we were finally ready for what we were most looking forward to: a day of swimming in the Mediterranean and relaxing on the beach. The 30 minute walk was worth it. The sand was a beautiful beige, and the water clear blue and a perfect temperature to cool down after laying in the 85-90 degree weather. I wish I could stay here longer! I don’t want to go back to the rain and the cold. Last summer when Mom and I stepped in the Mediterranean off of the coast of Italy, we got eaten alive by bugs and couldn’t stay too long. This time, I was able to enjoy every bit of it (minus the bugs) and take it all in. The few hours that we spent there went by way too quickly.

The Med

There was also, of course, many topless women. Needless to say our American creepy creepsters were enjoying the view. I wanted to join in the freedom, but couldn’t with the guys around. Sigh. I guess I’ll have to cross that off my list another time.

We headed back to the hotel to shower and walk to dinner. The tiredness that always comes with a day in the sun hit us right as we found a restaurant, and all of us were so thirsty that we drank four bottles of water and could barely stay awake through the meal.

On our walk back, Madame wanted to show us some of the streets where she had walked to do some shopping earlier. We were all pretty grumpy about it since we wanted nothing more than to collapse in bed, but it was a good thing that she dragged us around, because we would have missed one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen. We took a moment to set with our feet over the edge of the curb next to the water and watch the sun go down. The water mirrored the boats, the buildings and the sky so that you could barely tell where they stopped and the water began. It was a perfect ending to our trip, and inspiring enough to make anyone want to come back.